Little Bits of Sky / Durrant S. E.

Little Bits of Sky / Durrant S. E.

  • Быстрая доставка: Омск и Омская область
  • Тип товара: Книга
  • Издательство: Nosy Crow
  • Артикул: 4994929
  • Автор: Durrant S. E.
  • Год: 2023
  • Наличие: В наличии
1283 руб.
1920 руб.

Описание и характеристики Little Bits of Sky / Durrant S. E.

I’ve put this story together from the diaries I kept when Zac and I were children. I wrote them because I felt we were almost invisible and I wanted to make sure our story was told, and also in the hope that life would get better for the small unloved girl that was me, and my even smaller unloved brother. And if life didn’t get better or at least more interesting I was going to make it up – to put in witches and castles and rides in fast cars. But I didn’t need to. Life got exciting all by itself…
It’s 1987 and Ira and Zac are being uprooted once again, this time to Skilly House, a home for social care children. Their lives over the next few years are beautifully realised amongst the antipathy of the authorities, the drama of the poll tax riots and the moments of peace and hope Ira finds at Skilly and further afield. This is a memorable and moving tale about growing up, making friends and finding a home.
Featuring a brand new short story, ‘Glenda’.

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