Communicating Across Cultures. Students Book with Audio CD / Dignen Bob

Communicating Across Cultures. Students Book with Audio CD / Dignen Bob

  • Быстрая доставка: Омск и Омская область
  • Тип товара: Книга
  • Издательство: Cambridge
  • Артикул: 4909396
  • Автор: Dignen Bob
  • Год: 2011
  • Тип обложки: мягкая обложка
  • Страниц: 96
  • Наличие: В наличии
2504 руб.
3760 руб.

Описание и характеристики Communicating Across Cultures. Students Book with Audio CD / Dignen Bob

This is a series of innovative courses from leading business English authors. Titles cover core business skills such as Presentations, Negotiations and Meetings as well as newer areas that focus on current trends in business and management. The series is aimed at intermediate and upper-intermediate students (CEF B1/B2). Across the series we aim to provide learners with the key skills they will need in their daily working life and future careers. These courses can be used as stand-alone short courses or as a supplement to any business course. A CD is provided with the book and contains all the audio material used on the course, allowing students to consolidate their learning at home.

Для приобретения Communicating Across Cultures. Students Book with Audio CD / Dignen Bob от «Cambridge» арт. 4909396 выберите желаемое количество единиц и кликните на красную кнопку "Купить". Далее товар будет перемещён в корзину. После выбора всех выбранных позиций перейдите в корзину в правом верхнем углу страницы и завершите оформление заказа. При оформлении вам будет предложено выбрать способ доставки Communicating Across Cultures. Students Book with Audio CD / Dignen Bob в Омске и Омской области и оплаты из доступных вариантов.

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