German Short Stories 2. Deutsche Kurzgeschichten / Penzoldt Ernst, Kaschnitz Marie Luise, Lenz Siegfried

German Short Stories 2. Deutsche Kurzgeschichten / Penzoldt Ernst, Kaschnitz Marie Luise, Lenz Siegfried

  • Быстрая доставка: Омск и Омская область
  • Тип товара: Книга
  • Издательство: Penguin
  • Артикул: 4922560
  • Серия: Parallel Text
  • Автор: Penzoldt Ernst, Kaschnitz Marie Luise, Lenz Siegfried
  • Год: 1976
  • Тип обложки: мягкая обложка
  • Страниц: 286
  • Наличие: В наличии
1937 руб.
2020 руб.

Описание и характеристики German Short Stories 2. Deutsche Kurzgeschichten / Penzoldt Ernst, Kaschnitz Marie Luise, Lenz Siegfried

The eight stories in this volume offer a varied and representative collection of twentieth century German authors from a range of political and cultural backgrounds. Styles include the non-fictional manner of Kluge's montage technique and the contrasting classical storytelling of Penzoldt.
With reading notes and parallel texts in German and English, this anthology is valuable to the German student of English as well as the English student of German. Reflecting trends in German literature, the stories have been selected for their quality as well as their readability, and will enhance the appreciation of both languages.

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